
Submission Guidelines

Polyseme publishes academic papers; short articles; review essays on books, exhibitions, films, and digital works; conference reports; and multimedia pieces by postgraduate scholars working anywhere in the world.  Our definition of “postgraduate” includes those currently completing graduate work as well as recent graduates who have obtained their doctorate less than five years ago.

Featured articles will be peer-reviewed by at least two qualified reviewers, and a compiled report will by emailed to submitters.  If revisions are required, a revision schedule with individualized deadlines will be established by the editor.  We accept submissions year-round, though the review process operates around the publication schedule of issues.


Featured Articles

Academic papers for peer-review of 4000-6000 words.  We will consider all submitted works but encourage submissions, however loosely, related to our current theme.  All submitted academic papers must conform to the Polyseme house style, based on the Chicago Manual of Style.

Sign of the Times

Each issue offers a Sign of the Times special section dedicated to a range articles ranging from academic papers dealing specifically with teaching and pedagogical issues, shorter articles dedicated to issues of methodology, opinion pieces and related commentary, Digital art or image/sound experiments, Ficto-criticism, and Image + Text combinations.

Reviews & Reports

Reviews and reports (2,000-3,000 words) are usually assigned by the editors.  If you are interested in reviewing a book or submitting a conference report, please query the editors before submission.  We are happy to consider all works as well as send you a list of books still available for review.

*Publishers and authors should contact the editors, if they wish to send books for us to advertise for review.


House Style

Unless negotiated otherwise with the editors, submissions must conform to the Polyseme house style, based on the Chicago Manual of Style. We prefer references and documentation within all articles to conform to the Chicago Manual of Style “Documentation Style I.”


How to Submit

Submissions should be sent to the editor via email. Text documents may be sent as .doc or .docx files; Submissions of other modes should be negotiated with the editors.  Please note that all submissions must be accompanied by our SUBMISSION FORM.